Grief is Complex, so Here are Common Myths to Help Understand the Process Easier

Posted on May 15, 2023 by Teresa Atwood under Funeral Home
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funeral homes in Pace FL

Whether you’re going through it or learning about it, the topic of grief is something our culture tries to avoid in most cases. Most individuals are even hesitant to use the word death and prefer alternatives. The experience can be painful, challenging, and awkward even after the services with one of the funeral homes in Pace, FL. Understanding some of the most common myths can help make the experience easier, so let’s look at the top five below.

Grief Has a Specific Time Frame

One of the biggest misconceptions about grief is that it ends or should only take a specific period. While time will help heal the loss, typically, the grief will continue but change as time goes on. For some, the loss can leave a space that can’t be filled, and as time progresses, the emotions can be more manageable, but small things can trigger the grief again, and the person may need to spend time with their experience.

Grief is a Set Feeling

Another myth is that grief is an emotion or set feeling, which is also not true. Grief is an experience with multiple feelings that can arise from anger to denial, and as time passes, good feelings can also occur, especially if the loved one is in pain. The biggest thing to remember is that any emotions experienced after a loss are typically normal, and it’s always helpful to reach out to a therapist trained in grief counseling if there is any question about the experience taking place.

There is Only One Way to Grieve

Some believe there’s only one way to go through the grief process, which is also not true. The experience comprises many different emotions, and each person will have different needs, including self-care or mourning rituals that they need to implement to help with the experience. Grief is not a simple process. It can repeat and skip stages or even have other emotions arise that are not on the original list, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The grief will differ for each person, and remembering this is crucial.

Avoiding it is the Healthier Option

Others may feel like a burden if they are grieving and may not want to share or feel their pain. The only way through it is to express and feel it instead of trying to avoid it.

Depression and Grief are the Same

depression and grief, while they share some of the same characteristics, are not the same experience and will need to be treated differently. The biggest difference is that with grief, you will not be experiencing feelings of self-loathing or worthlessness; however, if you or someone you know needs additional support or are concerned, contact a professional.

We are Here to Help You Through the Processfuneral home in Pace FL

There are many different myths about grief, in this list helped narrow down some of the most common ones. Knowing when to get support is crucial, and if You have been researching funeral homes in Pace, FL, we’re here to help. We have provided exceptional services since 1965, so call us today for more information about our service or if you need help.