Funeral Reception Ideas

Posted on November 14, 2022 by Teresa Atwood under Cremation Service
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Cremation Services in Pensacola FL

Creating a Thoughtful Reception Requires Including Unique Ideas, and we Have Some Listed Here

The funeral or cremation services in Pensacola, FL, are an opportunity for friends and family to come together to honor the individual who has passed away. Traditionally, the reception will follow this event and allow for a more intimate experience as people can come together in groups and discuss the individual’s life. There are several ways to make the reception a more memorable experience, and we have them listed here.


Serve a Favorite Item of the Deceased

Personalization can be achieved in various ways, including serving items the individual enjoyed. Whether they were lasagna fans or cherished their favorite cheesecake, both can be added to the event to make it more meaningful and help nourish the attendee with comfort.


Hang Up Photos or Make a Display

The loved one had a favorite hobby or served in the military; you might consider creating a display that helps highlight how much this meant to them. The other option is to create a photo collage that could be hung around the room to help others reflect on their memory.


Ask Attendees to Share Memories

Sharing memories about the disease is also another way to remember the individual. Having an open mic option where individuals can speak about the person’s life or a place for individuals to write down specific memories or events is another excellent addition.


Have a Toast

Another way to express the loss and honor the individual’s memory is by having a toast about them. This could involve a short speech from someone who knew them well and offers an opportunity for everyone to acknowledge the loved one as a group.


Add in a Happy Hour

Happy hours can be seen as a celebration experience and could be another excellent detail to add to the services. Picking a favorite location, the loved enjoyed or creating a signature drink in their name can also be excellent options.


Create a Unique Playlist

Music is a great way to remember individuals; certain songs can have a deeper meaning than others. Creating a playlist of favorite songs or bands the individual enjoyed is just one more way to remember them.


Decorate with their Favorite Items

The last recommendation is to choose specific items that the individual enjoyed and add those to the event. This could be anything ranging from personal items like blankets they adored to a tool they frequently used to enhance the overall experience.


Our Team is Here to Help You Honor Your Loved One

Cremation Service in Pensacola FLThese are just a few details you can add to the event to make it memorable, and the main focus will be choosing items that feel like an authentic addition. The reception is an opportunity for others who loved the person to connect and find a sense of support, so you want it to be as meaningful as possible.

Working with a team of experts for the cremation services in Pensacola, FL, can create an opportunity to remember the loved one authentically. Our company is family-owned, and we work hard to support traditional values and provide the highest quality service for our clients, so contact us today.