Important Documents After Loss

Posted on May 2, 2022 by Teresa Atwood under Funeral Home
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funeral homes in Pensacola, FL

Several Documents Will Be Required After Losing a Loved One, so Here are a Few

After an individual passes away, it will be up to their loved ones to finalize accounts and gather the appropriate information. The services at one of the funeral homes in Pensacola, FL, may have specific requirements to proceed with the services, so you will want to check with them for anything specific that they need. There are some general items to consider when laying the individual to rest in their personal life, and here is a list to help.

What Were the Assets?

There are several documents that are going to be needed when it comes to assets and individuals may have had, and here are some of the more common ones.

Bank Accounts

Having a bank account is common for most people, so you will want to gather any information, including retirement, brokerage, and bank accounts dating back at least a few months.

Insurance Policies

If the individual had a life insurance policy, some companies would require the original policy.


If the individual had life insurance or retirement accounts with beneficiaries, you will need the information on them.

Titles and Certificates

When it comes to boat and automobile titles, you are going to need the original documents to get a legal transfer of ownership. This also applies to stocks and bonds, as you may need the original to transfer the legal title.

Business Matters

For those who owned a business, a few documents that are going to be required are:

Corporate or partnership information

You will need to include any copies of shareholders, operating, and partnership agreements as well as any original LLC certificates or original stock to do a title transfer.

Titles and contracts

If the business had vehicles like automobiles or boats, the original titles would be required. You are also going to want to address if there are any vehicle loans, leases, or agreements with employees.

Account information

Chances are the individual will have brokerage, bank, and retirement accounts all linked to the business as well, so make sure you get at least a few months’ worth of information.


You also want to get copies of any state or local licenses to go with the rest of the business documentation.

Contracts and Agreements

If the individual had any postnuptial or prenuptial agreements, loans, leases, these would also need to be addressed.


There are several different bills that you may have to locate, including:

  • Credit card
  • Cell phone
  • Utilities
  • Real estate tax
  • Storage units
  • Medical bills

Professional and Quality Services funeral home in Pensacola, FL

As you can see, laying a loved one to rest is more than just planning the details at one of the funeral homes in Pensacola, FL. You want to make sure that you finalize any paperwork and create a services that truly honors the loved one. There are multiple ways to honor the individual after they have passed on, and we are here to help. We offer the highest quality compassion in care on the market, so contact us today for an appointment.