What is a Mausoleum?

Posted on January 10, 2022 by Teresa Atwood under Cremation Service
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cremation services in Pace, FL

Mausoleums are a structure built to hold the remains of loved ones. They have been used for thousands of years to honor the deceased and come in various sizes, designs, and purposes. Some of these crypts are built for just one person and others will hold the entire family. These are also not uncommon to find if an individual has had a funeral or cremation services in Pace, FL, and can be found at local cemeteries.

The first mausoleum dated to 350 BC and was created for a king named Mausolus. His wife wanted him buried in a building like a temple and had his remains placed on a platform, then surrounded by columns to create the earliest structure in recorded history. Since that day, it’s become common for families and world leaders to use these structures to commemorate their power and family lineage.

What are the common types of mausoleums

There are three different types of mausoleums:

  • Private: this is a freestanding building that can house entire families.
  • Indoor: This type is generally a shared space for a community.
  • Gardens: these are outdoor and offer a community-based space.


There are a few different styles that individuals can use, such as:

  • Single: This is a standard structure and is built for one person
  • Family: these are designed to hold as many people as the family needs
  • Companion: these are intended for two individuals
  • Side-by-side: this option is generally chosen by couples any of the caskets positioned next to each other

Mausoleums are built to enter them and generally have one large room with crypts against the outer wall in a line.

Other Considerations

One concern that arises with mausoleums is what happens to the bodies. Since decomposition will happen naturally over time, the process will still occur but in a different way. Because of the way mausoleums are built, the body will dehydrate and eventually dry out.

There may also be a concern around if there is a smell in the building, and the fact is the property should never smell. The facilities are designed to be safe, and the remains are required to be entombed in a way that does not create a hazard for people visiting. They require a ventilation system that helps release any gases that could build up over time, and the crypts are required to have specific sealing techniques.

Quality and Care that is Local

Trying to decide between a traditional burial plot or having a private mausoleum can be a big decision. You’ll need to determine whatcremation service in Pace, FL kind of structure you need and if you want it to be accessible to house other family members. Losing a loved one can be a complicated process, so you want to be sure you’re working with a company that understands the intricacies of planning a service.

Faith Chapel Funeral Home and Crematory understand the complexities that can come with the feelings of grief while trying to create an event that honors your loved one. If you’re looking for cremation services in Pace, FL, we are here to help, so contact us today to get started.


How Are Mausoleums Built

Mausoleums are constructed using a variety of materials, depending on the style of the building and the preferences of the designers. Some common materials used in mausoleum construction include stone, granite, marble, steel, and concrete.

What Is the Difference Between a Mausoleum And A Columbarium

A mausoleum is a large, often ornate building constructed to house the remains of a deceased person or people. A columbarium is a structure that houses urns containing cremated ashes.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a mausoleum burial?

A mausoleum burial refers to the practice of burying a person in a structure that is specifically designed for this purpose. Mausoleums can be elaborate or simple, and they may be freestanding or part of a building. They are commonly found in cemeteries and are often used to memorialize people who have died.


Is it more expensive to be buried in a mausoleum?

Yes, it is more expensive to be buried in a mausoleum than in a traditional burial plot. The main reason is that mausoleums are much larger structures, requiring significantly more maintenance than burial plots.


Why choose a mausoleum?

The decision to choose a mausoleum is a very personal one. Some people feel that having their remains in a private space will give their loved ones a place to visit and reflect in peace. Mausoleums can also provide protection from the elements for your final resting place.